Sunday, January 30, 2011


We've been keeping busy! We kicked off the holiday season with a surprise brunch for Mike's 30th b-day & then rolled straight into Thanksgiving. We hosted a dinner for some of our friends a few days before & then had the big dinner at Mike's mom's house. Odesa sampled some turkey and jello salad but her fav was the mac and cheese! The best part of Thanksgiving was Odesa got to sit at the kids table in a big girl chair!
We got our Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving so needless to say we've been in the holiday spirit all month! We took a trip to Tanaka Farms to pick out our Hannukah bush and tried out our "new" hand me down wagon. I decided to decorate the tree & ornaments started going missing. The tree ended up only half decorated, the top half! We've been baking cookies and singing holiday tunes all month! Odesa is obsessed with Frosty the Snowman! We got to meet Santa at Disneyland & she had only one thing to tell him, er ask him: where is Frosty the Snowman!! Once she realized that conversation was going nowhere she was through with the big guy! We took her to build a bear and they had the original Frosty! He is her right hand man! She has memorized the entire movie, hand gestures & all, she knows the song by heart & we talk about frosty constantly! While Frosty reigns #1, Jingle Bells comes in a close second! We decorated the wagon with lights and tinsel and have been going out after dinner a few times a week to look at all the awesome lights. Odesa loves Christmas but she loves Hanukkah too! We celebrated with the family over dinner and songs. The older kids were most concerned about their gilt but Odesa only wanted to stomp around chanting Hannukah, Hannukah, Hannukah all through the house!
We are very fortunate to get Mike home for 2 full weeks every year for the holidays (thank you LCAD!) His last day of work till January was December 17th and we have been greatly enjoying having him home. Odesa's favorite thing to do is wake up and run into our room to play with him! Unfortunalty for Mike it has rained everyday of his vacation & will probably rain most of the rest! We have been getting out & using our rain gear though. We bundled Odesa up & took her to Fashion Island for a rain adventure!

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